Tripdafan - Coding Ethos
2 min readOct 19, 2021


Drug smuggling, the Mexican border and Woody Haralson.

His lawyer defended the charge.

The American border patrol read the statute the wrong way up. He is still white and still doing the correct thing in this aspect.

Photo: Steve Rogers / CC BY-SA 2.0


The fact they are alienating his client is a pure fallacy of misinterpreted policy that is newly made. Give the sharrifs office time to digest the wording of amended law and the severity of the allegations made. They, as I will agree the judge wrote it correctly. Not to intentionally confuse the officers but because the topic alone is confusing to comprehend .

The patrol officers later excused themselves reminding the public is was due to his color not race.

They were just doing what they thought their job was.

When asked to confirm on the promise to promote statistical belief systems of a hoped outcome of safety via prior evidence unrelated to the scene. We received no comment.

Have you seen the size of these softballs? NOT AS BIG AS OUR EYES FOR THIS ONE!! GET EM WOODY!!!

Creator: Sebastiaan ter Burg

Copyright: Sebastiaan ter Burg

Please note the only true part of this article are the images depicted

