Tripdafan - Coding Ethos
2 min readOct 19, 2021


MS Xbox X has a Fridge?

These graphics never catch up to the system that created the ability to process the limitations the hardware provides and instead fall on the tried and true almost going back while gaining power.

To see the faces of gingerbread cheer baked into the children Christmas morning is a blessing and a gift. My father called from jail, not for criminal reasons but to see how I liked the new Xbox that made him late for child supprot. Soon papa will get workleave and can sneak into the family room to play with me.

One of the benifits of working commission only jobs while doing work release. Givin the fact mom isn’t home and the fridge is empty of beer.

He always rants saying we left Europe for reasons some call Black Irish, others call a bad Friday joke. After a few blue moons down the hatch he is back to singing, "Hail to queen!"

In his opinion, we left her to save my mother! He is just too happy to work.

Yet I’m the one that does the shopping around hear and now they grounded me from saving the family money on Black Friday deals.

Interested in Wal-Marts Black Friday Deals? I could only find Amazon’s:

Maybe the foundation will hold back on babble funding this year……

